Alumni, does that mean me?
Alumni usually refers to a person who has previously studied in some educational establishment. In the case of Hiukkanen we consider alumni to be a person who has graduated from the program of science and engineering or otherwise actively participated in or helped organising different events of our guild and possibly changed to a different major/degree program.
What does the guild have to offer to our alumni?
The goal of our alumni activities is to maintain connection between graduated students, guild and our current students. alumni events include for example an annual alumni meeting where you can catch up with your old friends and also meet newer graduates. Activities and location of the alumni meeting have varied quite a bit from year to year, but we have had Kyykkä(Finnish skittles) tournaments, good food, Sauna etc. Usually there has been between 20 and 30 participants in these events but the record number is closer to 50 alumni!
Alumni are of course very welcome to our sitsis and other events as well. Even though alumni can’t be actual members of the guild, you can however become a supporting member by paying a supporting fee. By becoming a supporting member you will be added to our email list and will receive info about all the events of our guild that way.
The best way to get information about alumni events is to join our email list for alumni. Hiukkanen also has alumni groups in both LinkedIn and Facebook. Remember to also visit Tampere University webpage for alumni and join Hiukkanen's alumni association.
Alumni association of Hiukkanen
Hiukkasen Alumni ry is an association founded in 2019 for the alumni of the Science and Engineering programme and everyone who has been involved in the activities of Hiukkanen. We organize low threshold activities for all our members and everyone can influence future plans. Examples of coming events are after work get-togethers and a career event. You can also enroll as a member already before graduation. The alumni association also functions as an active link between the guild and the alumni.
You can enroll as a member of Hiukkasen Alumni ry here.
All members will be added to our mailing list that functions as the official info channel. We also have an open Telegram group.
The board can be contacted by e-mail: hiukkasenalumniry(at)
What can you do for us?
Share information about our guilds alumni events and alumni groups with your alumni friends. Word of mouth is the most effective way to spread the information. We are actively trying to include all the graduating students to our email lists and other groups, but we surely can’t reach every one of the potential alumni by ourselves.
We are also currently actively developing our co-operation with companies and we intend to use our alumni to help us in this process more in the future. If you think your employer (or some other companies you have connections with) might be interested in this, please contact our guilds alumni person or the corporate relation officials. You can find their contact information The board.
Do you have problems regarding our alumni activities/events?
If you have any problems or anything you want to ask, please contact our guilds alumni person (alumnivastaava(at) Their job is to maintain connection between alumni and the rest of our guild. So if you want to be a part of our alumni group, do not hesitate to contact them.