Internationalization in studies
Due to the globalization in the world today, international networks and connections have become more and more essential in our everyday lives. Therefore, many students and Alumni of Hiukkanen will find themselves working in international environments and markets. This holds true for careers in schools as well as academic and industrial fields.
Hiukkanen and our friends from TaSciEn offer our members information, guidance and activities with an international twist.
More information about internationalization possibilities in our university you can find from the students guide.
International events
During the academic year, Hiukkanen and TaSciEn organize international events such as beer pong tournaments, board game evenings and cookie tasting sessions, of which you can find more information from TaSciEn webpages.
Furthermore, Hiukkanen and TaSciEn take part in the semiannual International Week where international events of all sorts are held. In addition to these collaborations, most Hiukkanen events are very International friendly and welcome all participants, regardless of nationality.

Exchange studies
One of the most popular and amazing ways to get international experience is having an exchange semester(s) abroad. The exchange semester is a unique opportunity for visiting interesting countries and getting familiar with different cultures.
Tampere University has made mutual exchange agreements with numerous universities around the world. Thus, you have a large variety of countries and cultures to choose from.
More information about exchange studies and partner universities can be found on the students guide. Application rounds take place in the beginning of autumn and spring semesters. Additional application round will be usually organised during spring and in the beginning of autumn semester.
Traineeship abroad
You can also accomplish a traineeship abroad. There are many associations that provide different lengths of traineeships around the world. Accomplishing an internship abroad is a great opportunity to gain practical work experience during your studies!
More information about the traineeship possibilities and programmes you can find from the students guide.
Other internationalization possibilities
In addition to the chances listed above, students at Tampere University have many other possibilities for internationalization:
- Become an international tutor for degree or exchange students
- Join one of the international clubs at our university, such as TaSciEn.
- Participate in language studies provided by Tampere University.
- Include an internationalization module in your studies.
If you have any questions about international affairs please contact the International Official of Hiukkanen. Contact information can be found here.