The Guild of Science and Engineering Hiukkanen is the subject association for the students of the degree programme in science and engineering. Our purpose is to safeguard the interests of the students in our degree programme and help them in their studies. Hiukkanen also offers a bunch of leisure activities.
The members of our guild are those members of the Student Union of Tampere University (TREY) who have paid the guild's yearly membership fee of 5 euros. Additional information and payment instructions can be found here.
Our members are mostly students with physics, mathematics or chemistry as their major. Some of them will also go through pedagogic studies and get the ability to become teachers. We also have an international bachelor’s program for Science and Engineering. students. Depending on the major and minor subjects, our graduates have a wide variety of special knowledge. More information about studies at Hiukkanen can be found on the Studies-tab.
What does the guild offer to its members?
You can recognize us from our cheerful attitude as well as beautiful purple overalls. Hiukkanen has a guild room in the basement of Sähkötalo (SA025) with a wide variety of services.
NB! Due to the renovations of Sähkötalo accessible entrance to the guild room is not available at the moment.
Additionally, we organize lots of different activities that can help your studies or on the other hand provide counterbalance to them. Examples of our activities include
- weekly sports possibilities (floorball and other sports, kyykkä)
- sauna evenings and social nights (with Tarzan being there of course)
- annual kyykkä tournament
- annual The First Party that starts the academic year
- guidance and councelling for fuksis and olders
- excursions (study trips)
The guild’s functions are run by the board chosen yearly in the autumn general meeting and officials chosen by the board. All actual members may apply to get involved in the board’s operations. Working with the guild is voluntary work where the salary is paid in the awesome experiences and dozens of new friends gained from being active. All help is accepted in the guild and you don’t have to be a board member to be an active operator. Get fearlessly involved and join our jolly purple group!
Hiukkanen is a member of the Finnish Association of Physics and Mathematics Students.
Guild room
Hiukkanen's guild room is located in the Sähkötalo basement in the room SA025. The guild room can be recognized from the purple door. The guild room is like the common room for members of Hiukkanen that is often open from the early morning to late at night. ✨ HUOM. Sähkötalon remontin ajan Hiukkanen toimii väistötiloissa Festian 3. kerroksessa tilassa FA311.
Things you can do at the guild room:
- Have a coffee
- Chill, relax
- Get to know other people
- Play board games
- Study
- Buy overall patches
- Buy snacks
The guild room has a vide variety of board games that can be also borrowed for short-time use.
Additionally the guild room offers books, calculators and sports equipment that the members can borrow.
The guild room is a bullying and discrimination free zone. Everyone has the right to feel accepted and safe. Maintaining a positive atmosphere is everyone's responsibility 💜