
The First Party

Every year the school year is given a kick-start with The First Party. This is a party you don’t want to miss! Traditionally, the First Party is organized during the orientation week’s Tuesday mainly to fuksis and tutors but older students are always welcome to join the party.

The First Party is the place to be where you can enjoy the celebrating atmosphere, amazing live performances as well as student prices! The First Party has been celebrated already for 20 years and in 2022, on the Party’s 20th Anniversary we partied bigger than ever. 

Photo: Patrik Parviainen / TT-kamerat

HerkkuWiiniFestarit (Delicious Wine Festival)

If wine tasting is close to your heart, this is the event for your taste! If you know nothing about wine tasting, this is the event for you! During Delicious Wine Festival you get to enjoy the more or less delicious wines made by your fellow students for a very reasonable price.

You can participate as a wine maker or as a wine taster. Afterwards the jury will choose their favorite wine and also the audience gets to choose their favorite. In this event, you are guaranteed to get some wild drinking experiences! 

Annual celebrations

Each year we get together in celebration for our beloved guild’s anniversary. Hiukkanen celebrates its birthday on 9th of October. In this celebration you get to suit up and enjoy the festive atmosphere and delicious meal in the best company. During the celebration you will hear some speeches, enjoy some performances, give some credit to our hard-working guild members, and sing our hearts out for our beloved guild.

After the main event, the night isn’t over just yet! It’s time for the after party, from where you get to head for the next morning’s sillis breakfast.  

Photo: Juho Pyykkönen / TT-kamerat

Other events

Hiukkanen järjestää lukuvuoden aikana myös monia tapahtumia jäsenistönsä viihteeksi ja ajankuluksi. Tarjonnasta löytyy niin sitsejä, saunailtoja, liikuntatapahtumia kuin myös muita hengailuiltamia, joista jokaiselle löytyy varmasti jotakin mieluisaa tekemistä. Parhaita tunnelmia voi käydä katselemassa esimerkiksi kuvagalleriasta 😊


Vaikka tapahtumia on paljon, uusia tapahtumakonsepteja mahtuu ehdottomasti mukaan. Jos sinulla on jokin idea tapahtumaksi, ota yhteyttä tapahtumatiimiin!

Jella Vaara

Jella Vaara

Event responsible TG: @betahiukkanen

Aino Ruponen

Event official

Niko Ollila

Event official

TG: Nikoollila

Venla Junnikkala

Event official