Exam archive of Hiukkanen & YKI
Welcome to the exam archive of Hiukkanen and YKI. From this archive you can find exams from past implementations of you core studies as well as some advanced courses. You can search for exams based on the course code or name.
Our aim is to collect an extensive collection of exams to benefit current and future students by supporting their studies. After attending an exam, you can return the exam question paper to the exam returns box in Hiukkanen's guild room or via email to kopovastaava(at)hiukkanen.fi. Send your exam in pdf form, and name it COURSE CODE_DDMMYYYY_COURSE NAME. For example MATH.MA.420_03032021_Analyysi A.
After the exam week all students who have returned their exams will partake in a lottery to win a small prize.
If you wish to report any mistakes in the archive or want any related questions answered, you can send an e-mail to kopovastaava(at)hiukkanen.fi.
You can find the exam archive here.
Additionally, mathematics exams can be found on the MTT exam archive here.